For over a century, the scientists had warned of a coming
ecological disaster. Whether it was the
burning of fossil fuels, the production of chemical waste products, the
ever-increasing acid rain, the constant erosion of top soils, the poisoning of
the oceans, the rise in global warming....their warnings all seemed to be
ignored. There had been no political
will to change any of the threatening policies until well after a tipping point
had been reached and the process was irreversible--their home planet was
For a while, a few scientists had predicted that planetary
feed-back mechanisms would kick in, reversing the process. Indeed, the current predictions showed that
the process might eventually reverse itself--but not for tens of thousands of
If the race were to survive, it would have to be on a new
planet. After decades of searching, a
suitable world was discovered. While it
would support life, the new planet did have certain drawbacks: it was colder
than home, the gravity was heavy enough to be uncomfortable, and, worst of all,
the planet was already occupied by a semi-sentient race.
The numerous natives were technologically inferior--to such a low
degree that it hinted that they would never reach an advanced state of
civilization. On the other hand, they
were fecund and violent, and seemed to have little regard for life--even their
Only a few thousand lucky individuals were selected to emigrate
to the new world--the bare minimum necessary to reproduce their culture, even
with the extensive electronic library of literature and reference works they
brought with them. And since the colony
would be small and vulnerable for several generations while they struggled to
establish their new home, they would have to take special precautions.
The colony would be established in a sparsely-populated portion
of the world, in an area where the inhospitable terrain would offer additional
protection. Unfortunately, the most
desirable lands in the warmest areas near the equator, were also the lands most
populated by the natives--but this could not be helped.
Using advanced methods of in-vitro fertilization, the colony was
planned to become relatively secure within a few generations. In the meantime, between their advanced
technology and the remoteness of the colony location, the colonists believed
themselves to be secure from attack by the natives. While the colonists tried to blend in with
their surroundings, they would work hard to establish a working relationship
with the indigenous inhabitants,. If
they could coexist with the savages, they could find ways to control them, or
else--as a last resort--use their technology to defend themselves.
The natives (at least those close enough to the colony to be
observed) used only soft metals such as gold, silver, and copper. They had no sophisticated tools and possessed
no machines--all work was accomplished by muscle power alone. The aborigines were tribal, superstitious,
and almost constantly at war with themselves.
The natives would have been described as child-like, if not for their
astonishing cruelty.
And the new world was rich in unexploited resources. If left alone for only a few generations, the
colonists could easily adapt and would eventually dominate the new world and
its resources. If possible, they would
share the planet with natives. If not,
the colony would survive even if the natives did not.
Some progress in controlling the natives was already
evident. A simple barter system was
established where the natives received food and trinkets in exchange for manual
labor. The make-work labor was pointless
as the true goal was to establish control over the childlike creatures, for
they were so unsophisticated that they
were put to use making simple designs in the landscape or other useless
The colonists were not unduly worried, but there was evidence
that distant natives were becoming increasingly aware of their presence. For what appeared to be the first time,
natives from a distant continent were visiting the same continent as the
colony. While this was unusual, there
was little to be worried about, as the distant natives were only slightly more
sophisticated than the childlike locals.
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It is tragic to contemplate the incredible human cost that
Spanish exploration caused in the new world.
Isolated for thousands of years, the natives of the new world had no
immunities to the diseases that were common in Europe. This is troubling for today's
anthropologists, for the diseases spread so much faster than the explorers
The first sight that most of the conquistadors had of new
civilizations was quite often a scene of desolation--of funerals and abandoned
settlements. Even Hernando Cortez wrote
that, while riding into the great Aztec city of Tenochtitlán
for the first time, he observed that it contained many empty buildings.
While major diseases such as malaria, smallpox, plague, and
yellow fever killed tens of millions--even common ailments took their
toll. The natives succumbed to chicken pox,
measles, and the flu.
Archaeologists working in South America outside of Nasca, Peru,
have just started to uncover the extensive site of a hitherto unknown and
highly technologically advanced tribe that appears to have perished from the
common cold.
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